Sunday, September 4, 2011

Thinking ahead...

So, I was just thinking, for some odd reason, about what I want for Christmas, three months down the line. Call it thinking ahead, but I just wanted to prioritize.

The one thing that I want is an HP Touchpad. The last batch is coming out later this month, and I'm going to have to either get it in December for a much higher price, or, with the right amount of money, save up for it this month. If I can get $50, then I might have a chance!

But then I started thinking about Halloween. When should one stop trick-or-treating? I'm technically in high school, so is this the year that I retire my pillowcase? Whatever, I'll see what happens when it happens.

Let me know if you've been thinking ahead as well!

Friday, September 2, 2011

What Irene did to me...

School, for me, is going to start after Labor Day, instead of yesterday, when it should have started, thanks to Irene (bleh), but I don't think of that as such a bad thing. In fact, I think it may be a little bit refreshing!

I got back from a 6-day vacation in SoCal two days before I would've been in school. We came home to no power and debris and limbs of trees everywhere. Some trees, as we observed on the unusually dark ride home, had fallen over! We spent the whole next day cleaning up. We only had a few outlets running and our fridge thanks to our generator.

We got power back yesterday, while I was out of the house, so things are mostly back to normal (knock wood :P).

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Welcome to The Rasta Banana!

Hello! My name is Thom, and I am the manager of The Rasta Banana!

This is going to be a blog that I post on, just talking about stuff that happens to me on a weekly basis, at the very least. What will this stuff pertain to? Anything! School, vacations, music, movies, anything! So, one day, I might be talking about an album that I just listened to, and the next I could be telling you about someplace I went or something I did; average, relateable (hopefully) subject media.

I hope you check back and see the developments here at The Rasta Banana!
